he runs and runs and runs ...

Motorola BMD.
Since the late 1980s, the popular pager at fire brigades, rescue civil protection serices. With almost unbreakable housing. At that time in robustness and reliability for a long time unsurpassed. Today the entry-level detector for the tight purse. With us you get your BMD with charger and new battery, freshly squirted, adjusted and programmed to up to two alarm addresses (loops) in overhauled condition at an affordable price.

TETRA Measurement Technology

TETRA requires completely new equipment for service, installation and acceptance of radio equipment. We have brought our equipment up to date and look forward proudly to assisting you with the many challenges that the new technology brings with it.

Subtitutes for discontinued equipment and assemblies

This is annoying - An assembly is no longer available and therefore the construction of a whole radio system should fail? That does not have to be. We have already successfully re-engineered some assemblies. This is more than a clumsy replica - or clone. To the outside, the assembly behaves 1: 1 as the original. Inside, however, is current technology. This is sustainable investment protection for your expensive radio equipment.

TETRA fixed radio terminals (FRT)

Starting from planning through the application process to installation and finally acceptance with measurement protocol, TETRA base stations are our core business. Almost every TTB works a little differently. Benefit from our good contacts there to keep the throughput times short. Especially with questions we always find a quick and passable solution. The entire process is supported by our own TETRA Monitor tool, which considerably simplifies planning and implementation and visually visualizes important processes.

analoge Frequenzen PMR 446

Der Frequenzbereich ist in 16 Kanäle im 12,5-kHz-Raster unterteilt. Zur Vermeidung von Nachbarkanalstörungen direkt unterhalb von 446,0 MHz wurde das Kanalraster gegenüber der normalen Anordnung, bei der der erste Kanal genau die Frequenz 446,00000 MHz erhalten hätte, um 6,25 kHz und damit um eine halbe Kanalbreite angehoben (also auf 446,00625 MHz). Aufgrund des für quarzgesteuerte Geräte besonderen Rasters von 6,25 kHz erschwerte man gleichzeitig die Einsatzmöglichkeit von nicht zugelassenen Geräten, wie z. B. Amateurfunkgeräten mit erheblich größerer Sendeleistung als den zugelassenen 0,5 Watt. Inzwischen beherrschen jedoch Amateurfunkgeräte mit digitaler Frequenzabstimmung das hier verwendete 6,25-kHz-Raster.

in MHz
in kHz
Nutzung (inoffiziell)
1 446,00625 12,5 Bei Dreikanal-Funkgeräten i. d. R. Kanal 1
CTCSS 1 – Notfallkommunikation
2 446,01875 12,5 Berg-DX- und Geocachingkanal
3 446,03125 12,5 Prepperkanal bei Katastrophen
4 446,04375 12,5 Drohnenpilot Intercom => 4/14
Bei Dreikanal-PMR-Funkgeräten i. d. R. Kanal 2
5 446,05625 12,5 Scouts => 5/5
6 446,06875 12,5 Kanal für Veranstaltungen
7 446,08125 12,5 Bergsteigerkanal => 7/7
Bei Dreikanal-PMR-Funkgeräten i. d. R. Kanal 3
8 446,09375 12,5 Boots-Kanal;
Trucker-Kanal (Vorschlag);
Kontakt => 8/8
EmCOM => 8/16
DCS 50 für Notruffunktion einiger Midland-Geräte
9 446,10625 12,5  
10 446,11875 12,5  
11 446,13125 12,5  
12 446,14375 12,5  
13 446,15625 12,5  
14 446,16875 12,5  
15 446,18125 12,5  
16 446,19375 12,5